Wednesday, August 24, 2016

One Project Down

Prior to my arrival in Haiti the front entrance repair project had been in progress. The goal of the protects was to replace the old front entrance gate and fence to better secure the school. Today the project has been officially finished and is the first of many more to come.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


Today I scored my first goal in street soccer! Sometimes you have to stop and appreciate the little things.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

one month

It has been a little past a month since I arrived in Cap Haitian. This month has taught me a lot. I'm slowly adapting to the heat and sun. Instead of looking like I just swam every time I leave a fan, I look as though I walked through a light mist. At the start of this journey I did not know any Créole and now I can understand an entire sentence if a person speaks very very slowly. I went from not knowing how to drive a manual, to only stalling once a trip. I went from never writing a blog, to making a few post (although I still need a lot more practice before I'm the next Hemingway). This past month has been an endeavor of learning and I hope it continues.

I wanted to give a special thank you to the people at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church in Clemson, SC. Without their amazing support as my sending perish, I would have never been able to make this journey.