Why I'm Here


Hey everyone! Thanks for visiting my blog and reading about my year in Haiti as an Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corp member. The Young Adult Service Corp sends young adults all over the world to work and serve as missionaries for a year. My home for the year is at the St. Barnabas Agriculture College in Cap-Haïtien, Haiti.

St. Barnabas is a junior college offering Haitians the opportunity to learn agriculture as well as entrepreneurship. In a country where 81% of the population does not get the daily amount of food recommended by the World Health Organization and 100,000 children suffer from malnutrition, this school is important.

My role at the college is as project manager, helping rebuild after years of significant drought.  We will be constructing new buildings and preparing new programs for students.  When finished, the college will not only be the premier center for agricultural education, but will also serve as the breadbasket for Haiti.  Students will have access to hands-on education in irrigation, livestock management, and crop and orchard care.  They will then take these skills back to their home communities, where they will impact thousands more. Over the year I will be giving updates on what is going on at the school as well as day to day life in Haiti. .

I wanted to give a special thank you to Holy Trinity in Clemson, SC. Holy Trinity is Clemson’s local Episcopal Church where I have been a member of Canterbury, the University Campus Ministry, for three years. Through this campus ministry I have enjoyed a shared interest in faith and community. The support of Holy Trinity has helped lead me to the calling of mission and enabled me to be in Haiti.

I'm looking forward to a great and meaningful year in Haiti and I hope you enjoy sharing it with me.

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